Wednesday 6 December 2017


Wardley ecclesia took receipt of 30 quality sleeping bags late in November 2017
from the Christadelphian Outreach Group [COG] to participate in their ‘Bags of Love’ project to help homeless people in the UK. Homelessness in some parts of Tyneside is very high.  

The day after the bags arrived the temperature dropped and snow fell. The ecclesia collects various foodstuffs on a regular basis for The People’s Kitchen in Newcastle-u-Tyne which distributes it to those in need, and also provide a meal for people who are living on the street. They also respond to requests for warm clothes and sleeping bags for the homeless, and were delighted to hear of the Bags of Love project.

'People’s Kitchen' operate north of the river Tyne, another charity, 'Emmaus' works mainly south of the river, and not very far from Wardley. They were also very keen to receive sleeping bags. Between the 2 organisations they distribute 10-12 bags a week.
Our Coffee Morning team made up some little packs of a note to say who we were; a little gospel of Luke; a Glad Tidings magazine; and some energy bars - and put them in the bags. You can see the pleasure it provided for us!

We were able to deliver 18 bags to the People’s Kitchen who check that they go to the people who need them most and don’t just allocate for repeated requests. It was a chilly day ! 

At the Emmaus outlet ( Emmaus =warm springs or bath) we recalled that the words of the Lord Jesus burned within the hearts of those who listened !  We left them 13 bags and,‘coincidentally’, Gavin a homeless man came in whilst we were there. His existing blanket was falling to bits and he was very pleased to receive the bag & it’s contents.  Again, they know where the need really lies and can respond appropriately.

The Bags of Love project has touched a nerve, and we were pleased to participate in a small way. We are grateful to COG and our community for giving and reaching out in this way. It has taken a bit of planning and administration - but at an ecclesial level it took a couple of hours and some willing and able hearts - not too onerous - and it is one of the ways an assembly of disciples can show their faith and love in action.

We ask God’s blessing on the motivation and doing of this project - all to His glory.