Saturday, 22 February 2025


At Yate church we support a local charity called Streetlife. They support the homeless by giving out hot meals and drinks every Saturday night. Last October at Chepstow family day we donated pants alongside food, drinks, clothes, blankets and sweets.

So it was really lovely for Mark a member of Yate to take along the sleeping bags and rucksacks to Richard Townsend who runs Streetlife, so he can distribute them to the people who need them.
A huge thank you to COG for enabling us to help this wonderful charity and be a light in this dark world.

Monday, 13 January 2025

 Cog was formed 8 years ago by 3 sisters in a National Trust cafĂ©. Our main aim was to get the word ‘outreach’ into our church community and transform people’s spiritual lives by discovering the joy of unconditional giving . I have had the pleasure of watching this charity grow from nothing and flourish but now it is time to hand it on for the next chapter, so COG is searching for somebody to take on my role.  

I can honestly say that the role is a very positive and exciting one without too much hassle. It’s a privilege to be a facilitator for good and use our funds to encourage people to put their faith into action. It’s rewarding to receive reports back and see the difference we are making. For many of our churches they are reaching outside their hall for the first time and it’s wonderful to watch them make links and let others know that Christadelphians do love their neighbours and want to engage in community life outside the church family. Leading the COG team has enriched my spiritual life as I’ve been a part of so much good work being done in our churches and learnt so much more about grace.
We have built up a good group of reps that are keen to work and need COG to support and fund them. If you have the passion inside you and have the vision and enthusiasm to help this small charity grow even more, we would love to hear from you.
If you are interested, please contact us for a copy of the job description.

Thursday, 31 October 2024


Here is a report back from Maidenhead who have got involved with The Big Pants Appeal. If you would like to order underwear please head to our site for the google form.

"We delivered 50 packs of boxer shorts, mouthwash and wet wipes to the homeless drop in centre at the Salvation Army in Maidenhead. Lauren Webb from the Brett Foundation was thrilled to receive them. We look forward to supporting them throughout the colder months."

Tuesday, 22 October 2024


Our UK churches are getting busy! It's great to see our community working together on the same project and delivering underwear to their local community. So far these churches have come forward to help:

Bournemouth Winton
and Julie.
Here's a report from Maz at Tewkesbury:
Today I handed over 50 sets of life’s little essentials to Alan at the Cheltenham YMCA from the Christadelphian Outreach Group. They will be distributed to the vulnerable in Cheltenham.

Wednesday, 18 September 2024

Wednesday, 3 April 2024


 Contact us to receive your litter picking kit!

Tuesday, 2 April 2024


We are excited to launch our spring project! The Big Cog Clean up is our mission to encourage individuals and church groups to do some litter picking in their local community. COG will supply you with a set of up to 8 litter pickers and 5 high viz jackets to set you up for the task.

Read all about it in our latest newsletter which is being sent to all UK churches and COG reps.
If you haven’t yet received your copy and would like to read it we will be very happy to email or message a copy to you so please just ask.
More posts to come..

Friday, 26 January 2024


 Firstly, when brought up at our Autumn business meeting 2023, Porthleven Ecclesia agreed it would be good to take an active part in this year’s project, rather than just donate financially.

We approached St Petroc’s Breadline Centre in Penzance asking if the Survival Socks project would be of help to them over Christmas. They were really touched and said we were the only organisation that had approached them this Winter with such an offer. We found out that they have around 24 homeless in Penzance, 12 transient (hopefully short-term) and 12 long-term clients. We also discussed the contents of the socks so it was really helpful seeing a list of items you had thought through already. They agreed these were all really helpful plus gave us a few
extra ideas.
Thank you COG for agreeing to fund 24 pairs of socks at £10 per pair - these were sent via Amazon straight away which gave us the go ahead. As an Ecclesia, we wanted to financially provide for the contents of the socks so a small working group were delegated to research the items we wished to purchase to see how much it would all come to. The LORD is good, and wonderfully, a collection brothers and sisters made prior to Christmas provided over and above our list, so we were able to extend our list. Even a dog walker Sister Ali met one day donated money for the socks when Ali told her about it, plus a work colleague when he got to hear!!!
We realised that all of these items wouldn’t fit into a pair of socks so decided to make drawstring bags and amazingly, materials were gifted to us in just the right quantity. Again: thanks to the Lord’s provision!! We had a lovely morning with a group of sisters and their sewing machines preparing the bags, with labels produced by a brother to be sewn into the bags.
Small hand sanitiser
Small pack of wet wipes
Small pack of tissues
Roll on deodorant
Vaseline lip balm
Small toothpaste
Multi-vitamins (30)
Small hand cream for dry hands
Pack of chewing gum
Pen - Ali found lovely ones with Bible verses on
Pocket crossword book
Chocolate bar
Hot chocolate sachet
Small pack Haribo sweets
Box of raisins
x4 protein crunch
Pack of nuts
We wrote a message on the back of an old Christmas card to go in each
bag from us too.
The Sunday before Christmas after our Breaking of Bread meeting, lots of brothers and sisters helped to fill up the bags. They were dropped off at St
Petroc’s over the Christmas weekend.
Thank you for being a catalyst to this outreach project. We really enjoyed working together and to feel we were helping our local community, be it a drop in the ocean. We know the problems in the world are immense, but it does seem better to do something than nothing until Jesus comes as King with God’s power to change things.


On Sunday 17th of December, some of the brothers and sisters at Nottingham Jarvis Avenue church were involved in preparing and filling socks for the homeless. Twelve pairs of socks were filled in total, with such items as hand gel, tissues, vitamins, toothbrushes etc, including a £5 Greggs voucher. We thought this was also an opportunity to preach the word of God, so cards were also made by sister Faith, which displayed a verse from the bible, and also included a card advertising the bible companion app. These were then taken out into the centre of Nottingham, midweek, and distributed to the homeless. We met some lovely homeless people, one of which had attended a Christian rehabilitation centre for addictions and now seemed to be in a better place. We were able to talk to him about our church at Jarvis Avenue. Another, had been on the streets, homeless, for a year, whilst another was telling us about how he had a son, and spent some time talking to my son Rhydian, who is only 9. All in all, each and every one of the pairs of socks was gratefully received.


 The survival socks project was a great way for Ashton under Lyne ecclesia and the welfare team to help the homeless and refugees,

We are in contact with a local assisted house for 16 and 17 year old unaccompanied refugees and they wanted to show the youngsters a traditional Christmas , we made up 19 sets of socks with small gifts and also provided a few board games and jigsaws, all involved were delighted,
In addition we assisted Lifeshare with in excess of 50 pairs of survival socks which contained anther pair of socks, tooth paste, toothbrushes chocolate, lypsl, granola bars, and some Greggs vouchers to the homeless in central manchester.
We have decided to make the Homeless our priority for 2024.
Thanks to COG who noticed we were supporting 2 causes and provided extra socks , which the ecclesia matched .
Here are a few photos of our welfare team stuffing socks, the box went to Incios home and the bags to Lifeshare.
Thanks to all at COG for this great initiative