Monday, 13 January 2025

 Cog was formed 8 years ago by 3 sisters in a National Trust café. Our main aim was to get the word ‘outreach’ into our church community and transform people’s spiritual lives by discovering the joy of unconditional giving . I have had the pleasure of watching this charity grow from nothing and flourish but now it is time to hand it on for the next chapter, so COG is searching for somebody to take on my role.  

I can honestly say that the role is a very positive and exciting one without too much hassle. It’s a privilege to be a facilitator for good and use our funds to encourage people to put their faith into action. It’s rewarding to receive reports back and see the difference we are making. For many of our churches they are reaching outside their hall for the first time and it’s wonderful to watch them make links and let others know that Christadelphians do love their neighbours and want to engage in community life outside the church family. Leading the COG team has enriched my spiritual life as I’ve been a part of so much good work being done in our churches and learnt so much more about grace.
We have built up a good group of reps that are keen to work and need COG to support and fund them. If you have the passion inside you and have the vision and enthusiasm to help this small charity grow even more, we would love to hear from you.
If you are interested, please contact us for a copy of the job description.